
A very important aspect of Stillpointe Sanctuary is to educate and work with local communities and other rescue organizations in any way we can.

We have worked with Girl Scouts, 4H and schools in the area to help educate young people about llamas specifically, but also caring for all animals and their needs in general. Community Resource organizations send volunteers to work on projects that help people learn ways of re-entering the workforce and to complete community service obligations.

Stillpointe Sanctuary provides speakers for special occasions at schools, assisted living residences and correction facilities always accompanied by a llama or llamas.

We also help llama owners with their own farm tasks such as toenail trimming, vaccinations, shearing and provide consultation to (primarily new) llama owners in good husbandry practices, farm set-up, and proper fencing. These activities not only help others, but also help us to raise money for our organization’s needs.


We ought not to treat living creatures like shoes or household belongings, which when worn with use we throw away." - Plutarch